FDRA Launches New Webpages in Chinese For Footwear Factories (FDRA为鞋厂会员推出了新的中文网页)

FDRA Launches New Webpages in Chinese For Footwear Factories (FDRA为鞋厂会员推出了新的中文网页)

FDRA为其鞋厂及潜在的中国会员推出了新的中文网页。网址如下 www.fdra.org/factorymember

FDRA has launched a new section of its website in Chinese for its Factory Members and prospective members in China. The home page can be found at www.fdra.org/factorymember

网页新增了与协会及其服务相关的信息,同时也涵盖了各种相关内容, 协助工厂会员 了解鞋类产品的安全信息与中国劳动法条例,从而来达到品牌期望和符合相关的政府法 规。在新网页上,您也可以获取FDRA为工厂管理层举办的所有培训或研讨会清单,这些 活动能够让工厂学习了解重要的相关信息与数据。最重要的一点是,FDRA为其会员建立 了商业信息网页,向他们提供各种有用的报告或信息,如中国工厂调查、全球采购报告 和FDRA行政公告。上述资源皆为会员专享。

The new section features information about FDRA and the services it provides to its factory members. It has a special page to help factories understand footwear product safety and Chinese labor laws, so they are compliant with both brand expectations and government regulations. There also is a page that lists all of FDRA’s training workshops for factory executives and managers to ensure factories have access to important information and data. Most importantly FDRA has created a special business intelligence page for its members. This page provides information on reports, such as the Chinese Factory Survey and Global Sourcing Report and FDRA’s Executive Bulletin. These products are only available to its members.

FDRA总统 Matt Priest: “我们十分高兴能够推出新的中文网页,尽管我们与中国会员的关系已十分融洽,但该举措无疑能够改善我们的服务与支持。对于FDRA会员来说,又可多享受一项福利。”

FDRA President Matt Priest said: “We are very excited to launch a new section of our website in Chinese. We have built excellent relations with our members in China and this new section will help us increase our services and support to them. It is one more added benefit to an FDRA membership.

美国行政高管们对中国工厂会员予以了关注,同时也对FDRA新的中文网页和工厂会员服 务表示赞扬与支持。他们正在查看其服务供应商是否都是FDRA会员。

U.S. executives have taken note of FDRA Factory Members in China. They have praised FDRA’s new website and Factory Member Services, and look to see if the factories they source from in China are FDRA members.

Mike Jeppesen,Wolverine Worldwide全球运营部总裁: “今日社会责任要求不停变更,工厂的绩效愈加重要,因此在筛选合作 工厂时,FDRA成员会是我们的首选。工厂凭借着FDRA会员身份往往在竞争中处于优势地位,因为他们从FDRA获取了最新的社会责任信息和深入的行业分 析。” – Mike Jeppesen,Wolverine Worldwide全球运营部总裁

Mike Jeppesen, President, Global Operations Group, Wolverine Worldwide states: “In today’s environment of changing compliance requirements and increased focus on factory performance, we prioritize factories who are FDRA members. FDRA membership really gives the factories an upper hand because of how FDRA supports them with up-to-date compliance information and industry insight.”

美国鞋业经销商及零售商协会(FDRA)成立于1944,是美国成立时间最早、规模最大和认 可度最高的鞋类贸易协会。目前,其中国会员已超过40名,而且该数字也在不停地攀
升。若想了解更多FDRA工厂会员的好处和效益,请登入 http://fdra.org/factorymember/factorymember-benefits/

Founded in 1944, the Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America (FDRA)is the oldest, largest, and most effective footwear trade association in the U.S. Today, FDRA boasts more than 40 Factory Members in China, and the number is growing each month. To learn about the benefits and low cost of an FDRA Factory Membership, please visit http://fdra.org/factorymember/factorymember-benefits/