Labeling & Marking: Fur

Under the Fur Products Labeling Act, shoes that contain fur must label the product according to the law.  The label must contain the animal name as outlined in the Fur Products Name Guide.

Label Specifics

  • Size. Labels must be a minimum of 1¾ by 2¾ inches (4.5 x 7 cm).  SIZE REQUIREMENT REVOKED NOVEMBER 2014
  • Durability. The label must be durable enough to remain on the fur until it is delivered to the consumer.
  • Lettering. The required information must be no smaller than pica or 12 point type, with all parts of the information in letters of equal size and conspicuousness.
  • Order. The required order of information on the label is:
    1. whether the fur is natural or pointed, bleached, or dyed
    2. if the product contains fur that has been sheared, plucked, or let-out (optional)
    3. the adjective form of the name of the country from which the animal originated (optional)
    4. name of the animal
    5. if the fur product is composed of pieces
    6. country of origin
    7. any other information that is required or permitted.

    The name or RN of the manufacturer or dealer may precede or follow the above.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Shearling is considered fur
  • Pony is considered fur
  • The prior $150 exemption was eliminated
  • Hangtags are acceptable

Source Material:

For additional information or tailored labeling consulting services, please contact FDRA directly at