30 Aug 2016 Amber Road’s Global Trade Academy would like to invite all FDRA members to join us for a webinar
Amber Road’s Global Trade Academy would like to invite all FDRA members to join us for a complimentary webinar entitled, Are PGAs Prepared to “ACE” the Single Window Initiative? CPSC Commissioner Buerkle Shares Her Perspective.
The deadline for the US ACE Single Window e-filing initiative is creeping closer – so the question is no longer “if,” but “when” companies will be held accountable for their compliance. To prepare for the upcoming changes, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) launched a pilot program in 2015. Prior to opening the program up to all trade participants, a limited number of importers are testing the system’s ability to document finished consumer products.
Amber Road is honored to have CPSC Commissioner Ann Marie Buerkle join us for a complimentary webinar on Thursday, September 22 at 2pm EDT. During this webinar, she will provide an update on CPSC’s e-Filing Pilot and will share her perspective on issues pertaining to the pilot, import safety, and stakeholder collaboration.
Additionally, the webinar will cover CPSC’s readiness for ACE, as well as how to:
– Assess PGA requirements and their impact on your supply chain
– Prepare a feasible PGA game plan for your organization
– Follow best practices to prepare for upcoming mandatory compliance objectives
Other speakers include:
– Gary Barraco, Director, Global Product Marketing, Amber Road
– Hung Lee, Director, Product Management, Amber Road
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn how you can “ACE” the Single Window!
This webinar will broadcast live on Thursday, September 22 at 2:00PM EDT
Register here for the free webinar: http://bit.ly/Webinar_ArePGAsPreparedToACE