07 Jul Big Change Starts With Small Talk at All Levels
If Art Krulish, director of customer success at Setlog, a cloud-based supply chain and vendor compliance management platform, could offer one piece of advice to apparel companies, it would be this: talk.
During a Product Innovation Apparel discussion last week, titled “Enhancing Interdepartmental Collaboration and Coordinating in Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges,” Krulish underlined how leadership needs to talk to experts, employees and partners alike instead of simply issuing orders.
“In today’s world, collaboration is something that we really need to have a good handle on,” he said, noting the importance of staying up-to-date on compliance regulations and knowing whether factory partners are—and will remain—compliant. “You need to have a consistent system that you can rely on to provide that type of information and you need to have that view across everything.”