09 Jun 2016 FN Summit: True Fit Brings Comfort To Shoppers & Retailers
One of the major challenges footwear industry leaders discussed during Monday’s FN Summit in New York is one that keeps coming back: shoe returns. True Fit’s chief executive officer, William R. Adler, revealed to attendees just how the company uses data to help people buy and keep what they love.
“How could we possibly organize all of this data in this really big and decentralized footwear and apparel industry?” Adler asked the audience.
He introduced the True Fit Genome, a collaborative web platform that gathers fit and style data from 100 major retailers and 10,000 brands. Genome brings together brand data and consumer data to help retailers optimize their shoppers’ online buying experience.
“We’re essentially a translation software. We work with the 10,000 designers and translate their intended designs and their intended fit to the consumer,” Adler said.