18 Apr 2016 NuShoe Inc. is pleased to be entering our 3rd year as members of FDRA
NuShoe Inc. is pleased to be entering our 3rd year as members of FDRA. We are a solutions provider to the industry with a purpose to maximize both profitability and sustainability for retailers, brands and manufacturers by outsourcing all ‘back room’ operations. The NuShoe working model focuses on four key principles; 1. remedial repairs, 2. customer returns, 3. Consumer Repair & Warranty programs and 4. B-Grade Sales & Donations. For the past 22 years NuShoe has perfected the remedial repair service for clients and today we would like to showcase our customer returns initiative.
A necessary evil in our industry are consumers seeking credit for shoes they return for any number of reasons. Retailers and brands must devote a large number of resources, time and space to process these returns while at the same time offering proper reimbursement to satisfy customer expectations. Currently, NuShoe manages customer returns for a number of well known brands and categorizes the reasons directly into client-specific codes. This allows brands to retain their historical content and offer accurate data that can be used to analyze quality trends. NuShoe will return unaffected shoes to stock via the client’s Distribution Center and sell, dispose or donate excessively worn footwear at the sole direction of the brand. By outsourcing this service to NuShoe brands and retailers can re-allocate resources and space to accommodate the sales and distribution of new seasonal products. In addition, through this process, NuShoe can offer many End-of-Life alternatives to quantify a brands Eco-Rating and greatly enhance their sustainability program.
NuShoe is delighted to be a member of the FDRA and equally pleased to offer a range of services to the industry to help FDRA members focus on sales, marketing and creating new channels of distribution. We will put on our aprons and visors to help you clean-up your back room, dispose of overrun inventory and manager customer returns, all at a savings that will fall to your bottom line.
In our next newsletter we will focus on our Consumer Repair & Warranty program, a growing trend in achieving stellar customer satisfaction ratings.
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Eric Neuner
Jim Musial
619 671 2200