22 May 2013 Sales of Chinese Shoemaking Machines to SE Asia Rising
In recent years, the shoemaking machinery in Dongguan city saw a high rise in their sales to Southeast Asian countries while the business in internal market are sluggish. Some industrial experts thought this is a signal that shows the shoemaking sectors in Southeast Asian countries are growing their competitive edges to compete with those shoemakers in Dongguan city.
The transformation of shoemaking from Dongguan city to countries in Southeast Asian also boosts the sales to these countries.
Data show there were 41 companies moved to the Southeast Asian countries, 15 went to Malaysia and 13 to Vietnam, textile and apparel and footwear are the most sectors for these investments.
Many shoemaking machine made in Dongguan city were begun to sell to overseas with these shoemaking companies transferring. Minglin, a shoemaking machinery maker in Dongguan city, said their overseas sales have surged by 30% last year, 40% rising will be in this year. The sales to internal market recorded a decline in 2012, but the overseas sales made up the losses in internal market.