18 Mar 2014 WIFI Event: The Intellectual Property Minefield of Shoe Design and Sales (LA – March 25th)
Join Two Ten Footwear Foundation’s WIFI (Women in the Footwear Industry) and YP210 (Young Professionals for Two Ten) for an educational event on Intellectual Property. Protect your rights and avoid infringing on the rights of others!
March 25, 2014
6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cocktails begin at 7:30 p.m.
Register here ($20 donation encouraged)
This professional development opportunity will consist of a presentation by Heather McCloskey and Robert Helfing of Sedgwick, LLP, a panel discussion and breakout sessions to discuss real case studies.
Panelists include:
Meghan Cleary, Shoe Are You?®
Daniel Goodman, Chinese Laundry
Kim Thomas, Jen and Kim Shoes
The Standard Hotel
550 South Flower at 6th St.
Los Angeles, CA
Follow up your hour of education with some networking and drinks with fellow LA footwear professionals.
What will you learn?
-Stay on trend without overstepping legal barriers
-What to do if someone infringes on your work
-The interplay of intellectual property rights relevant to the footwear industry
Who would benefit?
-Product designers and developers
-Marketing and communications specialists
-Human resource and legal professionals
-Anyone who is looking to widen their knowledge of the footwear industry
WIFI National Sponsor:
Brown Shoe Company