He replaces co-founder, Seth Casden in the CEO position, enabling Casden to focus on sales, science and innovation. Calhoun remains an officer on the Hologenix...

David Sibley, the iconic self-taught bird illustrator and foremost authority on North American birds, pictured above, is joining the equally iconic L.L.Bean for “Song Sleuth...

Caleres Inc.报告表示,公司三季度包括Allen Edmonds在内的销售额总计7.747亿美元,上浮5.8个百分比。Famous Footwear的总体销售额为4.731亿美元,攀升1.1个百分点,返校季期间同店销售业绩增长2.6个百分点,三季度同店销售额增长0.9个百分点。...

一位发言人证实了离职传言,还说Ryan Drew会接任他的职务。Ryan原先担任过Under Armour足球部的总经理。三季度业绩令人失望,随后公司首席市场官Andy Donkin和女装及青少年业务部的高级副总裁兼总经理Pamela Catlett便离开公司,这回轮到了Ruppe。...