09 Dec Self-Checkout Comes to High Fashion
"Look, obviously this is something you can do at a CVS," says Uri Minkoff, creative director and CEO of Rebecca Minkoff. He’s introducing me to...
"Look, obviously this is something you can do at a CVS," says Uri Minkoff, creative director and CEO of Rebecca Minkoff. He’s introducing me to...
Larson在Brooks的任职时间从2003年11月开始,到2015年6月结束。上一项职务是产品和营销高级副总裁。他在为期一年的竞业协议期满后,于2016年6月,正式加盟Under Armour。进Brooks之前,他曾在Nike、Reebok和女子网球联合会巡回赛(一类女子职业网球赛)负责市场工作。...
Genesco Inc.在报告中表示,三季度收益远超华尔街预估的情况,Lids Sports Group和Schuh Group的销售业绩比预想的好。然而,气候反常性变暖,加上时尚持续变化,让公司担心“Journeys会在四季度面临更大挑战”,于是维持原有指导内容不变。...
《波特兰商务日报》和《华尔街日报》报告称,Adidas AG准备把大约150个后勤岗位从它的波士顿总部迁往波兰。消息传出时,Adidas旗下的品牌Reebok也准备将一批人员从马萨诸塞州坎顿迁往豆城。Reebok新的创意总监Thomas Steinbrück告诉SGB,让Reebok回到更具都市气息的环境里,极有可能让品牌在未来重新焕发活力。...
Deckers Brands的副总法律顾问Lisa Bereda表示,“这一季大约有一半的购买是在网上进行的,仿冒者已经注意到了这一点,调整了手段,想误导消费者。作为一个以客户为核心的品牌,我司有责任确保社区成员的忠诚度不受侵害。我司坚持曝光仿冒伎俩,教育我司客户,可能的话还会迅速采取法律行动。”...
The athletic footwear and apparel industry is facing perhaps the last thing it anticipated after the Election Day triumph of Donald Trump and the business-friendly...
Only six months after its launch into the Canadian marketplace, The Milton Shoe Company is excited to announce that industry veteran John Storey is joining...
Try and imagine the footwear factory of the future. What do you see? If it were up to Adidas, it would look something like thousands...
The Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America (FDRA) today announced the elevation of FDRA President Matt Priest to the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)....