07 Jul Big Change Starts With Small Talk at All Levels
If Art Krulish, director of customer success at Setlog, a cloud-based supply chain and vendor compliance management platform, could offer one piece of advice to...
If Art Krulish, director of customer success at Setlog, a cloud-based supply chain and vendor compliance management platform, could offer one piece of advice to...
So says the latest note — under that same title — from Cowen and Co.’s consumer team, which analyzed consumer momentum for the season. “We...
A new study from Bizrate Insights, a division of Connexity, found that 31 percent of online buyers have used in-store pickup in the past year,...
Confirming a WWD report, the Rome-based group said the designer is “to pursue a new professional experience,” which sources say is to join Dior as...
Now that the Nike Nightie joke has subsided, on-court competition is heating up. The London tournament wraps on Sunday with semifinals kicking off Thursday and...
Disney’s lost animated fish Dory has been found… on a new pair of shoes by Canadian shoe brand Biion. In celebration of the new Disney...
Vans is feeling the ocean vibes in a new collaboration with Positive Vibe Warriors (PVW), a San Clemente, Calif.-based non-profit foundation that assists communities with...
Wolverine Worldwide(纽约证券交易所代码:WWW)颂扬了密歇根州国会代表团成员的做法,他们支持在2017年推行《国防授权法案》、在2017年推行《国防部拨款法案》。两项法案对下一财年与国防有关的项目作出授权。美国众议院和参议院的《国防授权法案》规定,美国陆海空军及海军陆战队应服从《贝瑞修正案》的要求,并向武装部队提供百分之百美国人制造的运动鞋。...
Kering董事长兼首席执行官François-Henri Pinault向《金融时报》表示,目前不会卖掉Puma。他还说,这家同时拥有Gucci、Bottega Veneta和Balenciaga等一系列奢侈品品牌的企业,准备一直持有Puma的多数股份,并至少将这种格局维持到2018年。...
Colleen Vien,Timberland的可持续发展总监说,“在Timberland,我们以地球守护者的身份全力做每件事。我们努力负责任地制造产品、努力保护户外环境,努力为我们生活、工作和探索的全球各个社区提供服务。我们认为绿色空间象征着社区的心跳。它们的功能丰富多样,不单为人们提供游玩和探索的场地,还以提升健康水平和整体幸福感的形式改善生活质量。它们提高了周边社区的水平。今天,我们为作出这样的承诺感觉骄傲。今后几代人都能享受这些充满生机的城市空间带来的好处。”...