07 Sep Finish Line砍去预算,采用“毒丸防御”
二季度指南 受Finish Line可比销售减少4.6个百分点的推动,总体净销售额在于8月26日截止的二季度达4.694亿美元,比一年前下滑3.3个百分点。销售额下滑,加之更严重的滞销带来毛利压力,公司二季度有望将每股收益控制在8至12美分之间。...
二季度指南 受Finish Line可比销售减少4.6个百分点的推动,总体净销售额在于8月26日截止的二季度达4.694亿美元,比一年前下滑3.3个百分点。销售额下滑,加之更严重的滞销带来毛利压力,公司二季度有望将每股收益控制在8至12美分之间。...
西雅图是美国最大的受企业驱动的城市之一,这得感谢Amazon。这家电商企业由Jeff Bezos于1994年创建,占城市所有一流办公面积的19%!分析表明,Amazon现在的办公占地面积比排名靠后的其他43家顶尖雇主的面积加起来都大,现在还只是它酝酿发展的阶段。...
NRF的总裁兼首席执行官Matthew Shay说,“今年父母用来买衣服和满足孩子上学需求的时间比平时要长。许多孩子已经上车去念书了,还有几百万的孩子会在接下来的一两周回去上学。所以现在还没扫完货的人时间已经很紧了。零售商手里有一些很棒的便宜货,不过家长最好赶在校园铃打响前把握好机会。” ...
Soles4Souls, the non-profit social enterprise that creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing, is preparing a response effort to help those...
HURRICANE HARVEY DISASTER RELIEF Two Ten offers support to footwear employees (and their families) now in a state of crisis in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. We provide emergency...
Even though more parents started back-to-school shopping early this year, many families still have a lot of shopping left to do as they prepare their...
Organizers of Sneaker Week Portland, the first weeklong celebration of sneaker culture in the nation, will take place September 17-23 at various venues throughout the city,...
Amazon may be taking over Seattle, but it’s not harming retail growth. Seattle is one of the largest company-driven cities in the United States thanks to...
Nike has partnered with Kendrick Lamar, the star rapper. Lamar has previously worked with Reebok. “Cortez. Since day one. #teamnike #TDE @nike @nikelosangeles,” Lamar wrote on Twitter and...